Knowledge base

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Getting Started with CBP (2)

Find information about our import services and how they work. Step-by-step guide on signing up and obtaining a US address for purchases.

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Cross Border Shopping (3)

Find helpful guides about how to shop online from US retailers using our provided US address and tips for maximizing your cross-border shopping experience.

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Prohibited Items & Customs Compliance (1)

Find helpful information to ensure a smooth shipping experiences by understanding prohibited items and adhering to customs regulations. Learn about restricted goods that cannot be shipped across borders and the importance of compliance with customs laws.

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Customer Service and FAQ's (4)

Find helpful FAQ's and customer services answers.

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Rates & Fees (2)

Find information about our pricing structure for imports and deliveries and explanation of additional fees, duties and taxes.

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Pickup & Storage Procedures (1)

Find guidelines for picking up your imported products from our Canada warehouse. Necessary documentation and identification requirements.

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How to Tutorials (1)

Find helpful video tutorials on how to create your orders, bring your packages across the border, duties, taxes and more.